Employment Links
Aboriginal Human Resource Council
The national Canadian based organization with a mandate to advance the full participation in the economy of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada and Indigenous Peoples around the world.
Website for post-secondary recruitment – deadline for each spring is in the fall of each year.
Human Resources and Social Development
Find jobs links to the following websites: Canadian Heritage; Indian and Northern Affairs; Industry Canada; plus many other youth employment links. Canada
Website gives youth information on summer career placements and summer work experience programs for youth.
The Wii-ni n’guch-tood L.M.S. will enhance and support the interests of the Wiikwemkoong Unceded Indian Reserve members through the design, funding, monitoring, and evaluation of training initiatives and employment programs, all activity shall be determined by its benefit to the total membership, the environment, with consideration to the uniqueness of the people of Wiikwemkoong.
Scholarship Links
Indspire- Bursaries and Scholarships– Deadline June 1st & November 1st
Since its inception in 1985, Indspire has disbursed almost $65 million through close to 20,000 scholarships and bursaries to Indigenous students, making it the largest funder of Indigenous education outside the federal government.
The Scotiabank Student Excellence Award–
Five (5) scholarships in the amount of $2,500.00 each will be awarded to Anishinabek First Nation students in the post-secondary level for academic excellence.
The Indigenous Bursaries Search Tool–
You can search more than 750 bursaries, scholarships and incentives across Canada, offered by governments, universities and colleges, private and public companies, individual Canadians, organizations and others aimed at Indigenous students.
Canada Post Aboriginal Incentive Award–
The Canada Post Aboriginal Education Incentive Awards celebrate the hard work and determination of individuals of Aboriginal heritage who have embraced a renewed pursuit of learning. is part of the SchoolFinder Group. The site has been helping students find scholarships since 1997. Our mission is to help students realize their dreams.
Bursary information
Scholarship and Bursary link
Canada Post Bursary
Grant Me- information on 8 different scholarship opportunities
Other Resources
OCAS – Ontario College Application Service
Ontario Universities Application Centre
OSAP – Ontario Student Assistance Program
Ontario Aboriginal Housing Support
Education Planning Tools
ONECA Transitions – Tools for Student Success
The Learning Portal- The Portal provides shared access to resources from all Ontario Colleges, you can also choose your attending institution
Quick links for Student Services (click on your attending institution)
Ontario Universities' Indigenous Student Resources (
Ontario Universities-Indigenous Student Resources
Learn about services for students at College (click on your attending institution) including their accessibility services, peer and academic support programs, financial aid, campus accessibility, and more.
Specific Disability Information | Transition Resource Guide for Students with Disabilities
Transition Resource Guide for Students with Disabilities
Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centers
Aboriginal legal services
Housing/Apartment Rental
Indigenous link for students
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada – Budgeting for Student Life
Canadian Bankers Association – Your Money for Students
Credit Counselling Society – Student Budgeting Tips
Service of the Ontario Council of University Libraries
Academic job postings, web banners, e-newsletters and print/digital ads
Wellness Links
Aboriginal Health Access Centres
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health [CAMH]
Children’s Mental Health Ontario [CMHO]
Canadian Mental Health Association [CMHA]
Ontario Mental Health Association [CMHAOntario]
Sick Kids’ Hospital, Centre for Brain and Mental Health
Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario [CHEO]
Student Mental Health Toolkit
Mental Health
First Nation & Inuit Hope for Wellness Helpline 1-855-242-3310
Good 2 Talk Student Helpline 1-866-925-5454
Talk4Healing 1-988-554-4325