Post-Secondary Student Support Services / Shpi Kinomaagzijig Ne Naakwenmaagejik » Information for Students

Information for Students

 All students must have an individual health card. This card must be presented when seeking medical attention at a health centre or doctor’s office. If you do not have one, you may be refused medical attention or you may be required to pay your own medical expenses.
 Prescriptions for Status Indians are covered by the Non-Insured Health Benefits program on a prior approval basis. When you take your prescription to a pharmacy, tell them that you are from the Wikwemikong Band and give your Registered band Number and have your status card readily available as proof of eligibility. Non-Insured Health Benefits approves payment for prescription drugs that are on their approval lists.

 To request assistance for eyeglasses, book your appointment directly with any optician. The optician then calls the Prior Approval Centre in Ottawa to see if you are eligible. Please note-Non-Insured Health Benefits program just covers basic costs for frames and fittings. Tinted glasses, fancy frames, and contact lenses are not covered. Eye Exams are no longer covered.

 An application form must be completed for dental care coverage. Forms are available at the dental office only, and status card must be shown. For emergency treatment, just ask the dentist to bill the regional dental office.

 Applications for an Indian Status card are available in the Membership office at the Wikwemikong Band Office. Telephone, (705) 859-3122, ext 301/302 or Toll Free 1-800-880-1406.

Please call the membership office, as there may be a minimum fee involved.

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